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Fuel Inventory for Gold Mine

Fuel Management Case Study Overview

Company: Gold Mine

Location: Tanzania

Operational Sites: 5

Storage Tanks: 10 (Total capacity: 1,200,500 L)

Weekly Fuel Movement: 900,000 L

A leading gold mining operation in Tanzania, faced significant challenges in managing its fuel inventory across five locations. With ten storage tanks and a high volume of fuel movement, the company needed a robust system to ensure accurate fuel level monitoring and efficient inventory management.

The Problem

Geita Gold Mine had no existing system to monitor fuel levels, leading to several operational issues:

  1. Last-Minute Fuel Deliveries: The absence of a monitoring system resulted in last-minute fuel orders, causing logistical challenges.
  2. Difficulty in Monitoring Fuel Usage: Without real-time data, tracking fuel usage was cumbersome and inefficient.
  3. Discrepancies in Fuel Inventory: There were large gaps between the fuel delivered and the actual consumption, indicating potential losses or theft.

Fuel Management System Solution

To address these issues, Geita Gold Mine collaborated with SCI to implement an advanced fuel management system. The project was carried out in two stages.

First Stage

  1. Installation of Fuel Level Probes: SCI supplied the mine with ten fuel level probes of varying heights, tailored for the site’s tanks (up to 9 meters). These probes provide accurate fuel level readings.
  2. GPRS Communication Modems: Installed to enable live data monitoring, allowing real-time visibility of fuel levels and conditions.

Second Stage

Additional Level Shield Probes: The company is now in the process of installing four additional Level Shield probes in other tanks on-site, aiming to establish full transparency of tank monitoring and fuel movement within the mine’s process stages.

Fuel Management Results

The implementation of SCI’s solutions resulted in substantial improvements:

  1. Continuous Monitoring: All tanks are now constantly monitored for fuel level, temperature, and water content, ensuring precise inventory management.
  2. Simplified Reconciliation: The fuel reconciliation process became straightforward and efficient, reducing discrepancies and improving accuracy.
  3. Enhanced Management Efficiency: Improved data accuracy and real-time monitoring led to better personnel management and operational control.


The case of Geita Gold Mine highlights the importance of advanced fuel management systems in optimizing operations. By partnering with SCI, the mine achieved significant improvements in fuel monitoring, inventory accuracy, and overall efficiency.

Are you facing similar challenges with fuel management?

Book a free 30-minute fuel management consultation with our experts today to discuss your needs and discover how SCI’s solutions can benefit your operations. Contact us to learn more and take the first step towards optimizing your fuel management strategy.