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Fuel Management Transformation for Ready Mix Company

Fuel Management Case Study Overview

Company: Heidelberg Cement

Location: Germany

Operational Sites: 4

Fleet Size: 200 vehicles

A leading construction materials and cement production company based in Germany faced significant challenges in managing fuel consumption and ensuring the integrity of fuel transactions across their operations. Known as the fourth-largest cement producer globally, the Ready Mix Company sought to optimize fuel management to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

The Problem

Ready Mix Company’s fuel management issues included:

  1. Unauthorized Fuel Dispensing: The lack of control over fuel dispensing led to unauthorized transactions, contributing to fuel losses.
  2. Manual Transaction Recording: Fuel transactions were manually recorded, leading to inaccuracies and inefficiencies in fuel management.

Fuel Management System Solution

To address these issues, the Ready Mix Company partnered with SCI to implement a robust fuel management solution:

  1. Installation of Fixed Fuel Stations: SCI installed four fixed fuel stations (Fuel Shield) to control the fuel dispensing process for the company’s 200 trucks. These stations ensured that only authorized fuel transactions were conducted.

Fuel Management Results

The implementation of SCI’s fuel management solution resulted in measurable benefits for the Ready Mix Company:

  1. Fuel Consumption Savings: The company achieved a 7% reduction in fuel consumption, directly impacting cost savings and operational efficiency.
  2. Enhanced Control: The fixed fuel stations provided greater control over fuel transactions, reducing unauthorized dispensing and improving overall fuel management accuracy.


This Ready Mix Company case demonstrates the significant benefits of implementing advanced fuel management solutions. By collaborating with SCI, the company successfully addressed unauthorized fuel dispensing and improved transaction accuracy, resulting in notable fuel savings.

Are you facing similar challenges with fuel management in your operations?

Book a free 30-minute consultation with our experts to discuss your needs and learn how SCI’s solutions can help you achieve your goals. Contact us today to start optimizing your fuel management strategy.