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Fuel Management for Sugar Cane Company

Fuel Management Case Study Overview

Company: Sugar Company

Location: Western Kenya

Operational Sites: 4

Fleet Size: 600 vehicles

Fuel Dispense Points: 19 nozzles

A prominent sugar cane company in Western Kenya faced significant challenges in managing its fuel inventory and preventing fuel theft across its four operational sites. With a fleet of 600 vehicles and 19 fuel nozzles, the company required an efficient and secure fuel management system to address these issues.

The Problem

The Sugar Cane Company was relying on manual registration of all fuel transactions, which was prone to errors and facilitated fuel theft. The company identified several critical issues:

  1. Fuel Theft: Manual fuel transaction records made it easy for unauthorized personnel to steal fuel.
  2. Unauthorized Dispenses: There were multiple instances of fuel being dispensed without proper authorization.
  3. Discrepancies in Fuel Inventory: A noticeable gap existed between the amount of fuel supplied and the actual quantity recorded in the tanks, indicating fuel loss or theft.

Fuel Management System Solution

To address these challenges, The Sugar Cane Company partnered with SCI to implement a robust fuel management solution. The project was executed in two stages.

First Stage

  1. Installation of Fuel Management Systems: SCI supplied the client with eight Fuel Management Systems (Fuel Shield) to manage the fuel dispense effectively. One additional Fuel Shield was installed to monitor the FUEL-IN process, ensuring accurate recording of fuel deliveries.
  2. RFID Tagging: 140 vehicles were equipped with RFID tags. These tags allowed for automated and accurate recording of fuel dispenses to each vehicle, ensuring that only authorized vehicles received fuel.

Second Stage

The second stage involved further integration and expansion of the fuel management systems to cover the entire fleet and all operational sites, ensuring comprehensive monitoring and control.

Fuel Management Results

The implementation of SCI’s fuel management solutions led to significant improvements in fuel management and operational efficiency at The Sugar Cane Company :

  1. Comprehensive Monitoring: All fuel transactions are now accurately monitored, eliminating unauthorized dispenses and reducing the risk of theft.
  2. Reduced Fuel Expenses: The company experienced a substantial decrease in fuel expenses, with costs reduced by 20% to 30%.
  3. Improved Personnel Management: With automated fuel transaction records, personnel management became more efficient, reducing the administrative burden and enhancing operational control.


The case of The Sugar Cane Company demonstrates the transformative impact of implementing advanced fuel management systems. By partnering with SCI, the company successfully tackled fuel theft, improved inventory accuracy, and achieved significant cost savings.

Are you facing similar challenges with fuel management?

Book a free 30-minute fuel management consultation with our experts today to discuss your needs and discover how SCI’s solutions can benefit your operations. Contact us to learn more and take the first step towards optimizing your fuel management strategy.